Without prejudice... In fact, maybe you hate all the flonflons, the musette waltz and the accordion...? Anne Niepold plays with clichés to deliver a very personal vision of a world where musette and swing, brass, wind and accordion, popular music and original compositions coexist in a totally different way. On her second album (2014), she brings Balajo nostalgics, diatonic lovers and jazz aficionados together in three parts.
Recorded by a truly original septet, Musette is not Dead (MIND) charms with the elegance and effectiveness of its melodies, and surprises with the audacity and refinement of its arrangements.
What if the secret of this virtuoso accordionist's talent lay in the seriousness with which she embraces the humour that pervades this astonishing album? Do you MIND ?
"Somewhere between a circus and a symphony, the surprise of intelligent, felt music is vivid, without the technical force ever breaking the charm of its ideas." (Steve Normandin)
"She's the spectacular type. This young girl has a real character, forged in the metal from which the blades of her accordion are made..." (Tradmagazine). (Tradmagazine)